Friday, October 23, 2009

Weaknesses make us realize the Atonement

"When we are weak, then we are strong in the Lord. The Atonement is infinite but it is also the most personal gift we can ever be given."
Sister in Stake Conference

This sister's story: She had complications and difficulties with her second pregnancy. After the delivery she had severe pain in her hip and could barely walk. After months of talking to the doctors, they discovered that she had nerve damage in her hip, causing the pain and difficulty walking. She has been using a cane to walk for 11 months while waiting for the nerves to grow back and the pain to cease, all while attending school and raising two children.
After the conference, I reflected on this sisters story. I wondered if I was strong enough to trust in the Lord, even if I were put through that kind of pain. My testimony of Christ's Atonement was strengthened from hearing hers born and I hope that if I'm ever faced with such pain that I can learn to trust in my Savior and the comfort He's promised through His Atonement.

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