A new temple will be built in Trujillo, Peru. To me, this is so exciting! That the work of God continues forward and His temples continue to be built around the world is so beautiful! What a blessing for those people to be able to enjoy the promises and blessings of the temple in their lives when these temples are built closer. Here is the first paragraph of the story:
"Plans to build a new temple in Trujillo, Peru, were announced Saturday by the First Presidency — the highest governing body of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This will bring the total number of temples worldwide to 146 already in operation or in the planning and construction phases."
"First Presidency Announces New Temple in Peru" by LDS Living
What a remarkable blessing to have temples! Some may ask why temples are so important to me and other Mormons. Another paragraph from the article describes it well:
"To members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, temples are the 'house of the Lord,' the most sacred place on earth. Temple services bind families together forever, teach the purpose of life and explain God’s plan of salvation. Temple attendance strengthens Latter-day Saints’ commitment to living Christian principles, emphasizes personal spiritual growth and increases devotion to family. . . . Latter-day Saint temples differ from the tens of thousands of meetinghouses where members typically meet for Sunday worship services and midweek social activities and where visitors are always welcome. Temples are used solely for the performance of sacred ordinances and religious instruction aimed at strengthening members’ relationships with God and their fellow man. They are closed to the public after they are dedicated."
These are special blessings and as members of the Mormon (Latter-day Saint) church, we consider temples to be the most sacred of all buildings and a blessing to have them near us.
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