Thursday, March 29, 2018

Easter Advent Activity

In our house, we try to make sure Easter is more about Jesus than the Easter Bunny. Don't get me wrong, we like the Easter Bunny as much as anyone, but he's not what Easter is all about.

Our kids are still pretty young, and we still enjoy some of the basic traditions, like egg hunting and basket finding, but we also try to focus on the Savior as much as possible.

In our baskets, we've asked the Easter Bunny to bring things that help our children understand or learn more about Jesus or that will help them make Sunday a more reverent day (in addition to the candy, because, let's be real, the candy is just awesome, too).

But we also do other things as well, such as this Easter Egg Advent Activity. It's such a simple, easy way to teach our children about Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. Our kids love participating and learning a bit more. You can make it as simple or as elaborate as you want. The trick isn't in how fancy it looks, but that they learn about Jesus.

I honestly cannot remember or find where I originally found this idea (if it's yours, let me know!). So I just typed it up and you can find instructions and the printout here.

A couple of other ideas for trying to keep Easter focused on Jesus is this FHE lesson from A Year of FHE, with printables for both young and older kids. We also love making these Empty Tomb Rolls or Resurrection Rolls. They are yummy and easy, and another very visual way to explain how important Christ's empty tomb is.

What are some of your Easter traditions? I'd love to hear!