Sunday, August 27, 2017

Eclipsing the SON

NOTE: Elder Gary E. Stevenson spoke about this very thing in General Conference this October! Click Spiritual Eclipse to read his more eloquent and much better thoughts on being eclipsed spiritually. 

Were any of you able to view the Solar Eclipse on Monday? My little town was right in the path of totality, so we were among the lucky ones to view the total eclipse right from our backyard. It was phenomenal! I don't think I have words adequate enough to describe how unbelievable it was. Whoever invented the word "astronomical" probably did so right after seeing a total solar eclipse.

Don't mind my sub-par phone eclipse photos. I did the best I could. :)

My mom, who was also here for the eclipse, kept saying "I can't believe how dark and cold it got when the moon covered the sun!"

While I was watching during totality, I was immediately struck by a spiritual parallel, that started with the question, "do I ever let something come between myself and the Savior?"

It made me realize that even little things (as the moon is minuscule in comparison to the size of the sun) can "eclipse" our view of the Savior. They can cause the light we see by and the warmth we feel to be changed. Our very perceptions can be changed (in my neighborhood, a few dogs started going crazy when the sun was fully eclipsed).

I've been thinking a lot about those things that we allow to "eclipse the Son" in our lives. Maybe things like fear, anger, procrastination, holding a grudge, getting our priorities mixed up are all things that can "eclipse the Son" in our lives. What do you think can cause you to eclipse your relationship with the Savior and Heavenly Father?

I know that when we keep ourselves in proper alignment with the Savior and remember to look to Him, we will always be able to see things clearly and feel the power that comes from His Atonement.