Thursday, January 29, 2009

Professor Advocates Religious Freedom

Here is an article titled "Professor Advocates Religious Freedom" where we learn of a Brigham Young University law professor (W. Cole Durham Jr.) who "was awarded the 2009 International First Freedom Award for extraordinary advocacy of religious freedom." This is what he said in the article about religious freedom:
"I learned something fundamental about this heritage the summer I went to Iraq to work on the Iraqi constitution,” said Durham in his acceptance speech. “I had never before been asked to put my life on the line for principles in which I believed. I realized many things as a result of this experience. Perhaps most importantly I became convinced at a deeper level than ever before that religious freedom is a principle that is indeed worth risking one’s life for."

In a couple of posts I've made over the last couple of days I've mentioned how grateful I am to live in a country where religious freedom is prized and honored. I believe that President George W. Bush mirrors my sentiment in this comment he made (which can also be found in the article) in proclaiming Religious Freedom Day:
"Our Nation was founded by people seeking haven from religious persecution, and the religious liberty they found here remains one of this land’s greatest blessings. As Americans, we believe that all people have inherent dignity and worth. Though we may profess different creeds and worship in different manners and places, we respect each others humanity and expression of faith. People with diverse views can practice their faiths here while living together in peace and harmony, carrying on our Nation’s noble tradition of religious freedom."

LDS Leaders feel deep emotion at inauguration

I know this is a little bit old news, but I wanted to post it here anyway.

LDS Leaders feel deep emotion at inauguration

I love that we live in this free country and we are free to worship how we choose. I also love that leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are here to guide us and direct us in this world we live in. What a blessing!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tom Hanks Apologizes for Calling Mormon Supporters of Proposition 8 'Un-American'

Tom Hanks made a statement on January 16 saying that Mormons who voted in favor of California's Proposition 8 were "Un-American." Then on January 23, he apologized for what he said:
". . . everyone has a right to vote their conscience; nothing could be more American. To say members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who contributed to Proposition 8 are 'un-American' creates more division when the time calls for respectful disagreement. No one should use 'un- American' lightly or in haste. I did. I should not have."
Tom Hanks Apologizes for Calling Mormon Supporters of Proposition 8 'Un-American'

I am grateful that we have the ability to say "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that." I have nothing against differing opinions than my own. But please allow me to have my own opinions and express them; I'll do the same for you. I am grateful for people who are not afraid to admit that they said things in haste. I do that too - everyone does. I am especially grateful for the blessings of living in this wonderful country, where people are free to voice their opinions and feelings without fear of governmental discrimination. What a blessing that is for us!

Weekly Article

This weeks article is by Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin. In light of his recent passing, I thought it wouls be appropriate to share something he told us. I thought this talk was so amazing. I was always struck with his optimistic, loving personality, and it shines right through this talk. It is powerful; I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!

Come What May, and Love it

I know that Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin passed away last year (his funeral was held December 5, 2008), so it isn't quite as recent as it was when I first wrote this (and then forgot to post it). But it is still a relevant and heart-warming talk, given by a man who truly loved life and knew how to teach others to do the same.

My apologies

I apologize profusely for getting so far behind. I don't really have any good excuses so I won't feed you any. But I'm back and plan to post lots of great things: news updates, articles about life and from general authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and deals from DeseretBook and other places. Check back soon!